CCB Work out a “Express Credit Channel” for Earthquake Donation

Published time:2008-05-14

From the source of CCB, it is known that CCB has quickly directed donations to the relief of the Sichuan Wenchuan earthquake and has validated a  “Express Credit Channel” to facilitate relevant remittance for the rescue work around with immediate effect from 14 May. Specific counters giving priority to process donations and remittances concerning the succor are open at all branches of CCB so that people do not have to queue up for donations which are exempted from handling fees for settlement like electronic remittance fees and personal electronic remitting charges. Such arrangements will cover the following aspects:


1.      Donations of corporate accounts and personal accounts remitting to China Red Cross, China Charity Confederation, Red Cross associations and Charity Confederation in Sichuan and other disastrous areas as relief funds;

2.      Donations of corporate accounts and personal accounts remitting to specific accounts of local charity institutions or media organizations as relief funds;

3.      Donations of personal clients remitting to relevant personal accounts in Sichuan province as relief funds during the rescue period;

4.      Remittances to relevant units in the disastrous areas as relief funds for other specific purposes during the rescue period.


It is learned that following CCB’s donation of RMB20 million to the disaster areas, the banking sector has effected new measures to serve the victims. At present CCB has activated all its subsidiary banking outlets, phone banking centre at 95533 and electronic services channels like online banking and mobile banking in consolidated efforts to extend free services for donations to the relief of Sichuan earthquake. 

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